
The Employers Healthcare Coalition (EHC) is a non-profit, purchaser driven organization committed to improving the quality of health and health care in communities throughout the tri-state area.


A vibrant and healthy tri-state community; where consumers live in optimal health with access to quality health care, utilizing best practice guidelines.

Who we are... What we do... and where we are going...

An integrated, multi-stakeholder group that advocates for and facilitates the transformation of the health care delivery system in the local area, and to ensure that all patients receive high-quality and cost-effective health care services.


  • Provide Leadership

    to purchasers’ on issues relating to health care cost and quality (patient safety), productivity and wellness

  • Convene and Facilitate Market Accountability

    and share best practice guidelines for health improvement outcomes and measurement

  • Provide Health Care Education

    and share best practice guidelines for health improvement outcomes and measurement

  • Monitor and Disseminate Health Policy

    information for federal, state and local levels

  • Coordinate Community Engagement

    in opportunities to improve the health status of the tri-state area

  • Support Wellness Initiatives

    and healthy lifestyles in the tri-state area

  • EHC Member Stakeholders Include Purchasers As Well As Providers

    (health plans/insurers; hospitals; consultants; pharmaceutical companies) believing that cooperation between all parties will bring solutions to the health care environment.

Why Does the EHC Exist?


feel that healthcare costs are increasing at a rate that is unsustainable. EHC is committed to addressing the crisis of healthcare costs by improving the quality and value in the health care services they purchase for their members’ employees and families.

Area Employers

In conjunction with National Employers

believe that improving health care quality is good for employees and will save money. According to a recent report by the Juran Institute and the Midwest Business Group on Health, 30% of healthcare costs are the result of poor quality and inadequate systems.

(Reference: Reducing the Costs of Poor Quality Through Responsible Purchasing Leadership, Midwest Business Group on Health. www.mbgh.org)