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I am delighted to invite all of you to our next live webinar presentation.  On Thursday July 15th we will have special guest Dr.Mujeeb Siddiqui from Hannibal Regional Hospital as our presenter.  The focus of the presentation will be a continuation on our series focusing on diabetes and how it effects our local communities.

Some of the topics addressed in the presentation will be:

  • Understanding the impact of diabetes on society.
  • Identify ways diabetes affects the employed population and its role as a catalyst for direct and indirect costs to the employer.
  • Recognize the connection between diabetes and obesity.
  • Learn about prevention strategies and effective treatment of diabetes, and how these strategies can impact the workforce.

We hope to see you all there!


Topic: EHC/HRH – Diabetes Presentation w/ Dr. Siddiqui

Time: Jul 15, 2021 11:00 AM Central Time (US and Canada)


Click the link to view the recording:
https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/mr0rAE7yuq-UPoBeDMQwAMNpe5uTfvzg8dsUSKJVyg0ujdhbiVsIzK5lzLfP3p-d.3ByCAmVb_gQyVhAF Passcode: yrBh+r8#



July 15, 2021
11:00 am - 12:00 pm


Virtual from EHC Office
636 Hampshire, Suite 206
Quincy, IL 62301 United States
+ Google Map

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