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Please see the link below for the live presentation on April 29th at 10:50 am. Robin Foust of myCatalyst will be presenting.

MyCatalyst is an organization that specializes in providing clean, accurate, and robust data for employers, empowering them to make informed decisions in order to achieve optimal healthcare and financial outcomes. The data that they provide is easily accessed and interpreted using their intuitive platforms. The winner of two C. Everett Koop Awards for Excellence, their affordable high-quality solutions are now even more affordable to EHC members through our group purchasing program. http://www.mycatalyst.com/

The presentation will be 45-60 minutes, allowing time for questions and discussion. The focus of the presentation will be a general overview of the variety of customizable services and platforms offered by myCatalyst – and how they can help employers to identify inefficiencies and achieve healthcare cost transparency.


Click the link to view the recording: https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/6Ux711wtAGPjzJJWrC0_HKi181daazYIWc31fRQ2t1LUX2cAMNIhPKVK2TcQO5wl.Qp8TfTSYxe84ReCf Passcode: &5mxCB9$


April 29, 2021
10:50 am - 12:00 pm


Virtual from EHC Office
636 Hampshire, Suite 206
Quincy, IL 62301 United States

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