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Cost: TSHCC Members, $50 per person or $100 for 3 people from the same employer. $50 for each additional person.

Non-members, $100 per person.

To register: email: info@tshcc.com or call 217-221-3460.


Our Featured Speaker: Brian Klepper, PhD

BK Photo

Brian is an advisor to large health care firms and employers, and is nationally prominent as an explainer of health care’s problems and solutions, with a particular emphasis on policy- and market-based medical management approaches proven to reduce cost while improving quality.

Much of Brian’s work has been focused on the mechanisms that underlie America’s health care cost crisis and how institutionalized clinical and business practices have distorted care and cost patterns, driving unnecessary cost. His perspective favors patients, whose medical care often exposes them to needless physical risk, and purchasers, whose health care costs are double those in other developed nations, creating a cascade of negative economic impacts.

Click here to read more about our other speakers and about the presentations.  Click here for registration information.


April 16, 2014
8:00 am - 2:00 pm


Town & Country Inn and Suites
110 North 54th Street
Quincy, IL 62305 United States
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