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On January 21st at 11am, The Employers Healthcare Coalition will be welcoming Natalie Meyer, President of HooPayz to participate in a virtual presentation exclusive to EHC members.  This will be a great opportunity to learn more about HooPayz and how they may be able to help you achieve your organization’s healthcare cost containment goals.  The presentation will last approximately an hour, giving everyone an opportunity to ask questions.  For a short summary of the HooPayz/EHC partnership, please refer to the paragraph below.  Please see the link to this event at the bottom of the page.  We hope to see all of you there!!

HooPayz is an organization that focuses on benefit advocacy and savings solutions for employers and employees.  They specialize in assisting each employee with price checks, bill reviews, benefit claims support, medical debt management, as well as a variety of other cost saving and time saving solutions.  HooPayz is offered to all EHC members at a significant discount via our group purchasing program.  Please reach out to us for more details. 


You can also visit the HooPayz website: https://www.hoopayz.com/


Topic: HooPayz/EHC Presentation

Time: Jan 21, 2021 10:50 AM Central Time (US and Canada)

Click on the link to view the recording: https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/mOsebXaPBdChkzB6gY1pjQbo7MFeo-mBuSXz48ccixdm1i-KVxm9zR1Hv–PuPn4.CtaUEQn5Vn3rqpfV Passcode: 6aPMEew!


January 21, 2021
10:50 am - 12:00 pm


Virtual from EHC Office
636 Hampshire, Suite 206
Quincy, IL 62301 United States
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