We are excited to invite all of you to our next virtual event. The COVID-19 vaccine has been a very important topic already in 2021, and the Employers Healthcare Coalition is proud to make this the focal point of our next virtual event. On Tuesday, February 23rd at 11am we will welcome Dr. Mary Frances Barthel from Blessing Health System to discuss this topic.
The purpose of this event will be to discuss important information about the COVID-19 vaccines and the status, rollout, and impact of the vaccine in our community. We plan on this being a very informative presentation, inviting questions and discussion. The Employers Healthcare Coalition is honored to have Dr. Barthel to join us to share her expertise on this topic. We hope to see you all there! Please feel free to share this invite with coworkers interested in attending.
See link to the presentation below:
Topic: Tri-State COVID-19 Vaccine Presentation – EHC/Blessing Health System
Time: Feb 23, 2021 10:49 AM Central Time (US and Canada)
Click on the link to view the recording: https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/DrYdk8RtoChCXabWquHRxWw6RNVqzdy4oz1H2ALdN1NSAdDJyYw9ZgODQeOfMVKm.cwXTqDgOJ_XaTH25 Passcode: +0xm9^4#
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